
I don't know if I should kill myself or whaaaaa

I am currently attempting to stifle back tears. As you all should know by now, Skrillex is pretty much my favorite mammal on this planet besides my cat. His most recently released song "Make it Bun Dem" With Damian Marley is....dare I say it.....bad. Not only does he basically steal his beats from his own previous track, which is actually my favorite song produced by him, (see "Equinox" below) he doesn't even stick to the true reason he made it into the beautiful, sparkly, drug ridden world of EDM: HIS DUBSTEP. It's like after he won his awards (which he deserved one hundred and ten percent, might I add) he felt he could sit back, or in other words "sellout" and create boring shit like the person who signed him, ahem, deadmau5. Hey hey, I'm not saying deadmau5 is bad, but I'm also not saying I own many of his songs, let alone listen to the ones that I do...shit puts me right to sleep. It makes me so damn upset to go from listening to bangarang (which is NOT a very good dub track of his to begin with) on the radio, to this crapola.

ON ANOTHER NOTE::::;;;::;::::
Get your asses out to the Y in Ithaca April 21st-this saturday and dance your asses off, hosted by myself, and my amazing boyfriend Aidan Ames. What if you're going to prom you ask? Prom ends at 10, we go til 12, come dance for two more hours, you know you have it in you ;) And get this- we're trying something new, if you bring a flier to the door, you get 2 bucks off entry, therefore you will only be paying 8!
See all you maniacs there ;)