
This post holds a lot of photographs and summer memories. Read at your own risk.

Hey guys, miss me? ;) I wasn't expecting to completely ditch my blog and do things this summer, but I went got myself a life (along with a few new pairs of shoes). Who woulda thunk! Now that schools just around the corner, and i've got to start training myself to actually go to sleep at night, I figured I could probably manage my blog adequately. 

To your guys' delight, I will attempt to sum up my summer in as few photographs as possible (be prepared.) 

Hit play for the time of your life

Prom 2012, I will always remember trying to get kicked out for grinding.

 My amazing boyfriend took me to New York for my birthday, the next day we spent lazily on a beach only to drive home hours later, stopping at this amazing seafood restaurant.


On said beach (Long Beach, Long Island) I received a tan, that of which disappeared in a matter of days.

Camp Bisco XI. If you haven't been, go. If you go every year, keep going. This festival was one of the best experiences of my life. I recommend it to everyone, even those who don't like EDM or drugs. 

This was on site at Camp Bisco, a working ferris wheel that lit up along with the beats of all of your favorite EDM artists. ;) 

I could not have asked (BEGGED) two better people to join Aidan and I along with us.

Some random dude asked to take my photograph. So he took it and put it in a video online. Cant complain. 

One of the most magical places on Earth, Ardshona, an island owned by my boyfriends family (soon to be sold. :'( )

The cutest face on earth.

Shoal hopping, terrifying (for me) but amazing.

Getting to lay out topless on top of some dudes boat in the middle of lake Huron. Again, can't complain. My tan from this day also, disappeared in a matter of days.

I caught the biggest fish :) 

Finally, the last photograph i've taken this summer (I'm sure there will be plenty more). I made this myself. Started it in june, just finished it a week ago. 

If you've stayed with me this far, thanks. You don't win any prizes or anything.
Life is full of disappointments.

Stay tuned for a collection of all of the pretty nails I did for myself all summer! 
Love you guys<3