
Happy mommas day!

Hey guys! Happy mothers day to all you mothers, mothers of mothers, daughters of mothers who are mothers, and future mothers out there :)

Recently I have developed a strong addiction for a little website called pinterest. Heard of it? Its as addicting as everyone says it is. ANYWAYS. I was checking out the DIY boards the other day when a I stumbled across a "home made self tanner." I don't k ow about you guys, but that's right up my alley. For the longest time I begged my mother to let me get a tanning membership somewhere, but thank god I snapped out of it. Even though my family doesn't have cancer in it really anywhere, tanning beds are still scary things. Not only because they make people look way worse than their pale selves (take a walk through my Highschool hallway-you'll see it all) but because of the terrible terrible damage long term effects tanning beds can have on your skin. Thats plenty enough for me to disagree with them.

To make this home made self tanning lotion at home you need:
Cocoa powder
Vanilla, coconut, or unscented lotion
2 table spoons
A bowl

Put 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder in the bowl, then put 3 table spoons of said lotion in it too. You want one of those three scents otherwise it could come out smelling bad. Mix them together, add more lotion for a lighter tan, add more cocoa for a darker one.
VIOLA! That's all you need to do!

Try it!


Kiss My Lips

My lovely boyfriend stumbled across this gem, and I fell in love with it. Its a fucking awesome song with a fucking awesome beat. Dev is the man!

I am starting my college portfolio/WISE project early. (For those of you who don't know what wise is, basically it's a whole class of independent study) I am going to be making a huge photo book of all different types of people, fat, skinny, short, tall, black, white, and everything in between, dressed in outfits I have styled and put together at all sorts of stores, accessories and all. I am looking for said people to volunteer to be in my photo book. Your name, and what you are wearing will be on your photograph's.

Only having just recently discovered that I want to go to college for this, fashion, and making a statement has always played a major major part in my life, and I am positive this is the right career path for me.

Seriously guys, let me know if you want to help me out, it would mean the WORLD to me. I don't care who you are, how much you weigh, or how "attractive" you are. I need a very diverse selection of body types/ages. It's definitely a cool opportunity. :)

Tweet me: Lilraych
Facebook me: Rachel Levine
Email me: rlev0606@yahoo.com