
Get Clear, Radiating Skin :)

What I'm blogging about today is skin. I guess its tonight. So..what I am blogging about tonight is skin. Every sunday I follow a hair/skin routine I made for myself.
Just as a warning, you really should only do these sorts of things for your skin and hair once a week, if not once every other week. This is because it could really dry out your skin, and your hair just doesn't need treatments frequently.

To care for your skin:
  • Say it with me: Ex-fol-i-ate. Exfoliating is KEY to keeping your skin clean and acne free. When you exfoliate, you are ridding your skin of dead cells and other grimy dirty things that clog up your pores and cause pimples. Be greedy, use an exfoliating sponge EVERYWHERE.
  • Use your choice of acne wash. I use ProActiv everyday and it works wonders. For those of you with sensitive skin, use your face wash every other day.
  • If you are plagued with a pimple, dab some Neosporin on it (or them) every night before you go to sleep. Mine usually clear up in three days using this method.

I highly suggest these products:
  •  Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque. This is literally my life in a bottle. I use it every week-It's designed to help clear up black heads and shrink pores
  • Did you know that at age 16, your skin starts losing collagen (the material that keeps your skins elasticity)? I use Queen Helene's Mud Pack Masque. This product instantly tightens up your skin. 
  • Also, to help out with the loss of collagen, I use St. Ive's Renewing Collagen Elastin Lotion all over my body. This is another must have product I own and can not live without. Use it everyday and you really will see results. 
  • Last but not least, Queen Helene's Grape Seed Peel Off Masque is magnificent. It pulls off all the dead skin cells from your face. Not to mention it feels really really cool!

What have we learned? 

look beautiful ;) 

I kid you not guys, I utilize every technique and product in this whole blog, and I RARELY have to complain about acne or dry patches. Stay tuned for my how-to on having shiny, healthy radiating hair. :)  

I love you guys<3 thanks for reading!


Dancing fingers ;)

Hahaha, I found this while milling around on tumblr. So funny.

New Adventure Club

I can't get enough of these guys, their remixes are killer.

For those of you in the ithaca/cortland/syracuse area, they are playing at the Westcott Theater in Syracuse February 14th (valentines day)

I'm so excited to see them



So i've recently discovered my new found love of music. W.E.E.D (We Evolve Every Day)

Kick your feet up from studying for a minute and relax. W.E.E.D. Feat. Shwayze - Summertime by beats n' rhymes


This is a Pretty Lengthy Post

Hey guys, i'm so sorry I've been such a bad blogger. I've moved, had mono, and been to a million doctors while trying to catch up on a months worth of missed school while trying to make a mom and a boyfriend happy.
This also doesn't mean there hasn't been a million things that I've wanted to blog about since then.
Sewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I will address them all in this blog that way we are caught up ;)

First of all, Bangarang, skrillex's new album, FAAAAABULOUS. There is only one or two songs I am not a fan of on account of them being house/trance and not the filthy dubstep we have all grown to love so fucking much.

Second, my wonderful boyfriend bought the both of us tickets to see our favorite band- Adventure Club, on VALENTINES DAY.  I'm really really excited about that, and if you are a fucking loser and don't know who they are:
Knock yourselves out.

Third, have you ever watched Vampire Diaries? Literally the mere threads of my existence. The greatest show I have ever indulged myself in, and I fucking hate TV.  

Fourth, I've recently tried out two new hair techniques. First off being "Hair Chalking
Looks like dis:
After chalking your hair it stays in for about 2-3 days. I had bleached hair so for some reason it washed out the next day. 

Fifth, The next hair style I tried (and am currently sporting) is a technique called "ombre." This is where your hair is dyed dark on top and gradually gets lighter towards the ends. (NO IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE  MY ROOTS GREW OUT.) I am also currently sporting the timeless "middle part." I really got sick of fucking flipping my bangs out of the way like J beebs every two seconds. 
Looks like dis: 
You can't really see the ombre affect entirely, but it is there. Just subtle. I should be getting it a little bit
darker in a month or two. 

Last but not least, six, FUCK SOPA/PIPA. Disgusts me that our government and society thinks resorting to these kind of methods is okay, let alone humane. But I guess the Declaration never said our leading officials needed to be morally correct. Just so long as they're born in the US. If you are unaware of what SOPA and PIPA are. SOPA=Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA=Protect IP Act.

In a nutshell....
If SOPA is passed, you will not have access to sites like Youtube, Wikipedia, Blogger, maybe even Twitter without having to pay for them!
If PIPA is passed, companies and corporations owning huge websites could be sued, or shut down if they are not doing a good enough job of keeping infringement and "stealing" from their page.

Basically they are putting our safety, and our information availability at risk just so we fucking buy our movies instead of pirate them.

To conclude this post, please guys, please, sign these petitions. Do it for yourself if for no one else.

I love you all, I hope everyone is doing well in this crazy bipolar snow/sun/rain weather.

Twitter: @Lilraych 
Facebook: Rachel Levine
Formspring: Rachgah


new year new me

LOL jk.

I'm going to be the same me I decided I was about 5 years ago. (Maybe with a little more drugs and a little more alcohol.) So is everyone else so don't believe when they say they're going to change because they are not. ANYWHO, how was everyones new years and christmas and break all together? I've gotta say mine was the best I've had yet. It's the best feeling in the world when you have someone to curl up in bed with every night and watch chick flicks til the sun comes up. (or play skyrim...same dif.)

I'm not sure if you guys saw the video I posted about the cool magnetic nail polish on my facebook the other day, but I went right out and bought some and it actually works perfectly! I'll post pictures of it eventually...or maybe not. Depends on how I feel I guess. I also just ordered my sixty four GB iPhone 4S considering my old iPhone was cracked an there wasn't enough space to hold all of my music on it. (Shout out to Aidan Quest for desperately trying to fix it all break...<3 you) SO STOKED.

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable winterbreak.
Let's all make 2012 the best year yet!
Love you all, Rachel :)

PS, I've almost hit my 4,000 mark. Love you all even more for that.