
New skrillex, what what?

There's one thing that i've been meanin' to say, if you love something you've got to learn how to give it away.
This song makes me sad.


This is for everyone

Tonight might have been one of the hardest nights I've ever had to live through.

It's one thing if you are sitting with your bestfriend consoling them after having broken up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, but it's a whole other thing when someone very dear to all of the people you love (including yourself) is gone forever. Seeing all of my loved ones tonight, a whole entire community, many communities-crying, mourning the loss of someone so special. It's soul shattering, mind numbing, heart breaking.

It took me until this awful, terrible event, to realize how many people I love in my life, and how many people love me. I thought for the longest time I had no one. I honestly thought no one wanted me. This is really hard to admit publicly, but it's definitely time. Through this horrid situation, it brought me to all the people who truly matter in my life, and taught me to make amends with people who haven't mattered so much as of lately. This is a terrible situation, but our community learned something beautiful from it. To come together and be there for one another. I got hugs tonight from people I hardly know.

I'm writing this post to share how absolutely important every person I know, is to me. You have all touched my heart in some way or another and brought me to where I am today, as a 16 year old girl. I love you all.



Holding someone, saying "hi" to them in the hallway, letting them copy your math homework before class. We take these things for granted. Someone very special in our community left us yesterday, and I can safely, unfortunately, say that I hadn't gotten the chance to speak with him for quite a long time. This goes to show how for granted everyone takes one another. I will be the first to admit it. Situations like this make me question, is thriving for everyone's attention, for everyone's love a good thing? Should we have so many friends in our life if we can't even keep track of them? I am crying while I write this. This boy was sweet, caring, talented, and above all, inspiring...and I never got the chance to share that with him. He was too young to leave this earth so soon, especially when he had so much going for him. Ive found myself feeling guilty all day. Guilty for smiling, guilty for laughing, guilty for watching my favorite tv shows, but that's not what he would want. He was always smiling and laughing and making jokes of everything, he would want us to be happy. So today, I challenge all of you, send a quick text, an email, write a letter or make a phone call to all of those you care about and just remind them that you love them. That might be the only thing they need to hear.

Jack has touched so many hearts in our whole community. Especially the little town of Dryden.

May you rest in peace Jack Gallagher, and wherever you are, keep doing what you do best.


Fix Your Cracked Lips!

Your lips can get dry, flaky, cracked, etc. during this time of year, being so close to valentines day, thats a major no no, especially when there is such an easy solution to it all that I bet you never considered. (please excuse my run on sentence, I'm in a pinch for time.) After reading my post before, you should all know I SWEAR by exfoliation. So, with that, I'm going to teach you how to exfoliate your lips. This removes all the gross dead extra skin from them, and leaves them luscious and kissable :)

First off, obtain some Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
Second, obtain some sugar. Any kind will do.
Third, mix them together. Just a little bit of Vaseline will do! A little goes a long way. And add a lot of sugar.
Fourth, rub it all over your lips for a little while.
Fifth, either let it sit and let the Vaseline seep into your lips, or rub it all off.
VIOLA, you have beautiful, soft, kissable lips. Just in time for valentines day :)


How to guide on lacing/netting your nails

Hey guys, so in my previous post I showed a picture of my nails with netting on some of them. Luckily, its super easy, and its super cute. So here goes:

  1. Paint on your base coat (I used Sally Hansen's Miracle Growth)
  2. Paint on your chosen color, if you chose to use any at all. 
  3. Apply a top coat (I use Seche Vite, and I swear by it might I add) and immediately lay down cut pieces of lace or netting. (They don't need to be trimmed exactly to fit your nails yet!) 
  4. Wait a minute or two, just so the top coat gets tacky and add another top coat over the lace or netting.
  5. Now, there are several different ways you can go about removing the excess netting/lace. I usually take a pair of nail clippers and trim it all. I apply another top coat to smooth down the edges that are still poking out after being cut. 
  6. There you have it, chic, affordable, designer nails in your own home :) 

This method can be used with paper, tissue paper, ribbon, really anything that can soak up the top coat. I've done it before with tissue paper, and I loved the results. 

Enjoy your nails, beauties. Party on!